Winning Tactics for Health Industry in Democratic Republic of Congo (DCR)

With over two decades of conflict, DRC went through much damage to its infrastructure despite the great wealth and resources. Now, as calm and peace is taking effect, the government and the people of DRC are determined to build their country to a stable, economically endowed and prosperous nation. It is evident that healthy population is a key pillar in achieving that kind of a nation. DRC has an estimated population of 85 million people as at July 2018 with 63% of the population being under the age of 24 and another 31% being between 25 – 54 years. This clearly shows that DRC is made up of a generally young population of productive ages. This is the population that must remain healthy to build the country to a latter glory. Remaining healthy is paramount for the rebuilding of the nation. Being an investor, Jayesh Saini says there is great potential in healthcare industry –in development of infrastructure for pharmaceutical manufacturing, healthcare service ...